Category: Blog

  • The Benefit Of Kindness

    “A benefit should be kept like a buried treasure, only to be dug up in necessity… Nature bids us to do well by all… Wherever there is a human being, […]

  • The Color Of Your Thoughts

    “Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the human spirit is colored by such impressions.” If you bend your body into a sitting […]

  • Corralling The Unnecessary

    “It is said that if you would have peace of mind, busy yourself with little. But wouldn’t a better saying be do what you must and as required of a […]

  • The Archer Without Bow, Without Arrow, Without Target

    The Archer Without Bow, Without Arrow, Without Target

    The archer learns when he forgets all about the rules of the way of the bow and goes on to act entirely on instinct. In order, though, to be able […]

  • Have some faith ; )

  • Sweet mistakes

    “But that’s the process, it’s making mistake after mistake and just still carrying on… Because between those mistakes there will be progress, and that progress turns into an album.”

  • You Hold The Trump Card

    “How appropriate that the gods put under our control only the most powerful ability that governs all the rest- the ability to make the right use of external appearances- and […]

  • Clarify Your Intentions

    “Let all your efforts be directed to something, let it keep that end in view. It’s not activity that disturbs people, but false conceptions of things that drive them mad.” […]

  • The Vulnerability Of Dependence

    “Show me someone who isn’t a slave! One is a slave to lust, another to greed, another to power, and all are slaves to fear. I could name a former […]

  • It Could Happen To You

    “Being unexpected adds to the weight of a disaster, and being a surprise has never failed to increase a person’s pain. For that reason, nothing should ever be unexpected by […]

  • Count Your Blessings

    “Don’t set your mind on things you don’t possess as if they were yours, but count your blessings you actually possess and think how much you would desire them if […]

  • The Most Secure Fortress

    “Remember that your ruling reason becomes unconquerable when it rrallies and relies on itself, so that it won’t do anything contrary to its own will, even if its position is […]